Thursday, June 28, 2007
A Sweet Little Treat

Posted by Pieceful Jane at 8:19 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 25, 2007
Patriotic Pillow
Posted by Pieceful Jane at 1:22 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 24, 2007
What does this say about me?
And I also have a nine patch quilt top in the works that is scrappy nines with black and white pieced sashing blocks. Plus a couple stacks of black and white blocks and black/white/red blocks waiting to be made into tops.
As you can see, there is definitely a trend here. So what I want to know is, what does this say about me? Am I in a rut? Does this show a lack of creativity because I keep adding the same elements into my quilts? Or should I perhaps consider this more as a signature feature to my quilts? All I can figure is that I must really love the effect, because I keep repeating it. And, now that I realize I am doing this, should I make an effort to stop? Or should I continue to just go where my spirit leads me when I work on my quilts? What would you do?
Posted by Pieceful Jane at 11:18 AM 3 comments
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Knocked a couple UFO's off the list!

Posted by Pieceful Jane at 11:04 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 22, 2007
June's BOM progress
This week I have been focusing on getting my June blocks finished for my many block of the month quilts I am making. I am happy to report that most are now finished, with the exception being my buck a block. That I plan to finish this evening. To the left is my pansy applique block for my wooly flower quilt. I love pansys, but am not really thrilled with the design of these flowers.Maybe I should have changed it up a little to look more like real pansys. These at least look a bit like violas aka Johnny Jump Ups. And I love the polka dot fabric.
Below you can see my blocks for the Debbie Mumm garden quilt. I like the blocks. But it was hard for me to add the circle to the centers, because I didn't want to cover up my beautiful job of matching all those seams in the center. Oh well, I am sure someone else will appreciate being able to cover theirs up.
Finally we come to the blockcentral block of the month. I chose again to go with different fabrics in the same colorway for this block. I plan to use these same fabrics again next month. My hope is that I will have a controlled scrappy look when the qui.lt is finished. All of my blocks have a common tan background fabric, so it should be ok.
Posted by Pieceful Jane at 3:12 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Today's project

Posted by Pieceful Jane at 11:21 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
More on The Quilter'sSkip

Posted by Pieceful Jane at 5:27 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 11, 2007
My name is Jane and I am a fabricoholic
I spent the weekend cleaning my sewing room. It had been several months since it had been done, and frankly it was disgusting. I put a good deal of effort into putting things back where they belong and think I succeeded in at least a general sense of order in the room. But the big thing is, I can see the carpeting once again. (Oh yeah, I had almost forgotten it was blue.) I also took a good deal of time and neatly folded my fabrics that I have yardage of. The fat quarters are still a mess, but maybe I will get to them next week. I just wanted the room to be neat and clean, as we will be having an open house this weekend to celebrate my youngest son's graduation from high school.
While I was cleaning my sewing area, I came across a flyer from a local quilt store advertising a quilters skip. It was to start today and run all week. I had not bought the tote bag/kit as I knew I had alot of work to do around the house and yard to prepare for Saturday's open house. Plus I have so much fabric and quilting supplies already, I didn't really need anything else. And where would I put it?
But, this morning, the sun was shining and I was hearing the call of that flyer all the way down in the basement. So I went down to my sewing room, and read about the skip. It took me all of about three seconds to reason to myself all the reasons why I should go. I have all week to prepare for the party after all. And I had never been to seven of the eleven shops. They needed me to participate. And I need to have those shops available next time I need something.
So, I hopped in my shiny red Jeep and took off down the highway without a care in the world. After all, I had some cash, I had my check book, and I had my credit card- what more did I need? As it turns out, I managed to find quite a few things that I needed as I ventured from one store to the next. All those fabrics were emitting magical enticing fumes, overwhelming me with a sense of urgency. I must have these now! At the end of the day, I wrote the last of the checks I had with me, I used up all my cash, and I did put a little on my credit card ( I needed gas to get home after all). I made it to ten of the eleven stores today. I saved the store that gave me the flyer for last. Hopefully I will find time to get there before the week is over. And buy some more stuff that I really don't need. All because Iam a fabricoholic.
Posted by Pieceful Jane at 9:38 PM 1 comments
Thursday, June 7, 2007
A life-long passion
I have been sewing by machine since I was 11 years old. I started by making clothing for myself, and was thrilled with the idea of having clothes that were different from everyone else's. It soon became clear to me that I could not get enough time in front of a sewing machine. If there was fabric and free time available, I was sitting at my mother's machine stitching away. When I went off to college I tried several different majors on for size, but finally realized that I needed to be true to my bliss, and ended up pursuing the clothing and textiles major.
It probably comes as no surprise then when I say that I made a good percentage of my children's clothes when they were small. And I do not believe my kids ever wore store bought Halloween costumes either. They had some of the cutest outfits and I loved that they wore one-of-a-kinds. And I also loved the savings I was able to attain by making their clothes myself.
It was around the time my oldest was 7 that I found the quilt shows being broadcast by my local PBS station. After a week or two of Eleanor Burns and Georgia Bonesteel I was drawn in completely. I was certain that quilting was something I could and should do. And I have been quilting ever since.
I have taught all three of my kids to sew and given them the basics on quilting. But they have not been bitten by the bug as I am. And that is ok with me. They should each find their own passions to pursue. After all, it is the differences of others from ourselves that makes them interesting to us.
Posted by Pieceful Jane at 8:53 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
I love pincushions

Posted by Pieceful Jane at 7:37 AM 1 comments