Thursday, December 31, 2009
Another year is done already
Posted by Pieceful Jane at 4:44 PM 2 comments
Monday, December 28, 2009
Final design wall Monday of the year
These blocks are part of Bonnie Hunter's Carolina Christmas mystery quilt. I had more parts completed, but I am currently in the process of redoing them.

Mine turned out mis-sized. Even though Bonnie clearly stated in her instructions the importance of checking to be sure your units were coming out the correct size. I guess I thought she was directing that to those who are less experienced quilters. My mistake.

These will need to be pinned too.
I will say, I like what the finished quilt looks like on Bonnie's site. But I think I will change out the final border when I get that far.
Oh, I did manage a couple more finishes this week. My little laundry wall hanging is done. I think it will actually end up as a doll quilt.
My other finish is another purse. I think it will be good for spring.

If you want to see what other quilters are working on, check out Judy's blog.
Posted by Pieceful Jane at 11:47 AM 3 comments
Labels: design wall Monday
Monday, December 21, 2009
Another finish in time for Christmas giving
Here it is another Monday and I still have nothing new on my design wall. We have kids home from college and have been busy with Christmas celebrations. That has left no free time for me to play. But, I do have a finish to share. This one had to get done, as it is a Christmas gift.
If you want some more inspiration, head on over to Judy's blog and check out some other quilter's design walls.
Posted by Pieceful Jane at 6:58 PM 3 comments
Labels: finished quilt
Monday, December 14, 2009
Not exactly my design wall...
...but here are the things I've been working on. First up is a finish! This is my version of Judy L.'s Bears in the Farmhouse quilt. I am very happy to be done with this one. I am giving this one as a gift for Christmas.

I don't anticipate having anything new on my design wall for the rest of this month, seeing as Christmas is almost upon us. But, you never know.
To see what other quilter's have up on their design walls, check this out!
Posted by Pieceful Jane at 2:28 PM 3 comments
Labels: design wall Monday, finished quilt
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
So many unfinished quilts ...

And I feel guilty working on them, when there are so many unfinished quilts already. Still, I feel the need to change up what I am working on regularly. It helps me keep the creative juices flowing.

Wrought in 2007...still not quilted in 2009. Oh well.
Posted by Pieceful Jane at 8:54 AM 4 comments
Monday, November 30, 2009
It's Monday, and once again I have something on my design wall. For starters, I have a new wall. I used to have a sheet of flannel attached to my wall with Velcro fastening tape. It was only attached at the top of the wall. Blocks had a tendency to fall off when the flannel was disturbed by air movement. Now I have some insulation boards covered in flannel and screwed into my wall. I haven't had much chance to try it out yet, but I think I'm going to like this new version better.

Some of the blocks for my recent project.
Or, I could put the constant fabric in the same position each block. That would give me a quilt that looks like this one.
Either way, I think I will be happy with the end result.
Need more inspiration? Head over to Judy's blog for more links to check out.
Posted by Pieceful Jane at 8:30 AM 5 comments
Labels: design wall Monday
Monday, November 23, 2009
Design Wall Monday
With my recent quilt finish, I am once again free to work on other projects. Thank goodness! I have so many things I want to finish, as well as some to start . Yesterday I worked on my project from last month's clothesline club. This is what the quilt was supposed to be.
It isn't very big; a small lap size at best. I had hoped it might be large enough to use as a table covering for my dining room table, as I currently keep it a smaller size. But this quilt was too small even for that. So I decided to rework it a bit to see if I could make it work for something. On my design wall today you can see my changed design.
I think it is going to make a cute Christmas tree skirt. The inner corners of the outer border are not yet stitched. They are only pinned for now. I wanted to make sure it would lie flat before I stitched them.
To see what is on some other quilter's design walls this week, check out Judy's blog.
Edit: I finished the tree skirt! You can see it here.
Posted by Pieceful Jane at 6:02 AM 7 comments
Labels: design wall Monday
Sunday, November 22, 2009
It's Done
Posted by Pieceful Jane at 9:09 AM 0 comments
Labels: finished quilt
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Everyone worked hard.
But we all had fun.
And a couple of my students from my jacket class wore their finished jackets to class. I am very proud of them.
Posted by Pieceful Jane at 7:34 AM 1 comments
Monday, November 9, 2009
A new favorite quilting tool
Unfortunately, I was struggling with the large open areas that needed to be quilted. I had no idea what to put in them and even less of an idea how to mark it successfully. But I am happy to announce that I have turned a corner on this, thanks to my new favorite quilt marking tool, Golden Threads paper. It has made machine quilting on my regular home sewing machine a much more pleasant experience. I love, love, love this paper!
This is Matt's quilt with a couple of the quilted motifs stitched through the paper.
I have known about this product for quite a while, but had never given it a try. Why, oh why, have I never used this before? I have been a long-time fan of printing quilting lines on paper and pinning them onto my quilts as quilting guides. But it has always been difficult to pull all the little bits of paper from the stitching. That is not an issue with the Golden Threads paper. It tears away cleanly. And now, back to the sewing room. I have a quilt to finish.
Here is one corner showing quilted motifs with the paper removed.
Posted by Pieceful Jane at 6:53 AM 3 comments
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Back in the groove

Posted by Pieceful Jane at 9:48 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 29, 2009
In my last post, I mentioned the sweatshirt jacket class I taught at The Wooden Spool quilt shop. I made myself a jacket along with the class, and I finished mine last night.

This is the front view of my jacket.
And this is the back.
I like how it turned out, and as a bonus, this one fits. :) The last one I made finished too big. I may try reworking that one to make it fit.
I also managed to finish a pillow this month. It is made of orphan blocks left from the quilt I made for my bed.
Posted by Pieceful Jane at 4:41 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I'm ok, I've just been busy lately
I didn't realize it has been so long since my last post. Life has thrown some interesting changes my way. The last of my kids has left the nest, as he has gone away to college. I would have thought that meant I'd have lots of free time to quilt. Somehow, that hasn't been the case. In fact, I have done very little quilting for the past two months. :(
Matt's quilt is still unfinished. I haven't even made any new progress on it. And he has been hinting that it is cold out and he needs it now. I will confess that it got pushed aside to work on a different project.
This month I taught my very first class at a local quilt shop, and I dropped all of my other projects to work on my class project, a quilted sweatshirt jacket. Today was our last class. It was a real learning experience for all of us. Most of my class are nearly finished with their jackets, and I am really impressed with how well they are turning out. We faced a few unexpected problems, but worked our way through them together. And in the end, we all had fun. I'm going to be teaching a purse class next month. :D
I do have a couple things nearly complete that I hope to have pictures of in the next couple days. No pictures for today, though.
Posted by Pieceful Jane at 8:19 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I got two baby quilts finished :D
Oh, yeah! You read that right. I have two quilts finished already this month. :) I wasn't working quite fast enough to finish them in August. But, both babies these are intended for have already been born, so I really needed to make finishing them a priority. It feels good to start the month on a positive note.
Posted by Pieceful Jane at 4:22 PM 4 comments
Labels: finished quilt
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Where has my mojo gone?
For the past week, I have been sidetracked away from the quilting that I want to be working on. This quilt needs to be finished, as the baby it is intended for has arrived. And so I am

Tomorrow is strip club, where I will continue with the quilt I showed last post. That one is for a baby due to arrive on Sept 2.
Posted by Pieceful Jane at 4:50 PM 2 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
Design Wall Monday
Posted by Pieceful Jane at 4:47 PM 1 comments
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Now What?
This past week, I have been spending a great deal of my time out by the pool. It finally feels like summer here, and I want to take full advantage of it. So, I have not been in my sewing room. But I have been working on some handwork. I finished this top today.

You got a peak of it last month. I combined two different sources for this one. The background is based on the Bee Charmer from Oh Sew Charming! The flowers were taken from a couple of the blocks in the Aunt Millie's Garden pattern from Piece O'Cake Designs.
Posted by Pieceful Jane at 6:16 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Too much socializing, not enough quilting
The two bright fuscia strips on the lower front bother me. But, it will stay as is and I will get over it. Probably. Otherwise, I think it looks pretty good.
Posted by Pieceful Jane at 11:31 AM 1 comments
Monday, July 27, 2009
July finishes

This little topper actually looks much better in real life. It is shown on an ottoman and is not lying flat in the photo.
The only other thing I have accomplished this month is I have this quilt layered, pinned and ready for quilting. The plan is to have it finished before someone leaves for college. We'll see how it goes.
Posted by Pieceful Jane at 4:16 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 17, 2009
A va-cay, a b-day, but no new progress to display because I've been away
Posted by Pieceful Jane at 6:13 AM 3 comments