Note: I came back and edited this post to add a picture of the apron and made a couple other changes/additions as well.

And I have made some progress on my Time to Water quilt as well. This one has taken a bit of thinking for me, as the fabric was purchased with a specific outcome in mind, but I had not marked it or cut it. And since two years (yikes!) have passed since I bought it, I could not remember which fabrics went where in the quilt. Here is a picture showing a bit of progress. I'm working on a flowerpot border for it now.
Since it took a few days to add the apron photo, I have a bit more done on this top. Here is how it looks today as it hangs on my design wall.

My happy scrappy house quilt is still not done. But it is partially quilted, and shouldn't take too long to finish up. There has been a lot going on here, so it won't likely happen this week. This is what I have so far. And yes, it really is still sitting in that position just waiting for me to come back and finish. Someday. Soon. I hope.