Posted by Pieceful Jane at 9:48 PM 1 comments
In my last post, I mentioned the sweatshirt jacket class I taught at The Wooden Spool quilt shop. I made myself a jacket along with the class, and I finished mine last night.
This is the front view of my jacket.
And this is the back.
I like how it turned out, and as a bonus, this one fits. :) The last one I made finished too big. I may try reworking that one to make it fit.
I also managed to finish a pillow this month. It is made of orphan blocks left from the quilt I made for my bed.
Posted by Pieceful Jane at 4:41 PM 1 comments
I didn't realize it has been so long since my last post. Life has thrown some interesting changes my way. The last of my kids has left the nest, as he has gone away to college. I would have thought that meant I'd have lots of free time to quilt. Somehow, that hasn't been the case. In fact, I have done very little quilting for the past two months. :(
Matt's quilt is still unfinished. I haven't even made any new progress on it. And he has been hinting that it is cold out and he needs it now. I will confess that it got pushed aside to work on a different project.
This month I taught my very first class at a local quilt shop, and I dropped all of my other projects to work on my class project, a quilted sweatshirt jacket. Today was our last class. It was a real learning experience for all of us. Most of my class are nearly finished with their jackets, and I am really impressed with how well they are turning out. We faced a few unexpected problems, but worked our way through them together. And in the end, we all had fun. I'm going to be teaching a purse class next month. :D
I do have a couple things nearly complete that I hope to have pictures of in the next couple days. No pictures for today, though.
Posted by Pieceful Jane at 8:19 PM 1 comments