This weekend there were a couple of on-line quilt events in which I was interested in participating. Bonnie is hosting the old tobacco road mystery. And Judy has been posting some directions for an easy quilt she designed. Both quilts looked like a good way to put a dent in the scrap bin/stash. But, before hubby took off for a fishing weekend, he made me promise not to spend my time holed up inside if it was nice outside. And it has been absolutely gorgeous this weekend. So, I have been forced to abandon those plans, which is probably for the best anyways. I already have way too many UFOs .
Of course, I am still suffering from a terrible case of insomnia. I nap in the sun all afternoon, and am awake most of the night. Actually, I kinda feel like I have my days and nights mixed up. So I have spent my normal sleeping hours in my sewing room, quietly adding borders to more quilt tops.This one is still waiting for more borders. I really want to add something similar to the border on the top pictured below. It was made by Caroll, who was my teacher while I worked on the applique blocks in the quilt top above. (I hope you don't mind me sharing your photo, Caroll.) I am not really sure how to proceed with this type of border, so it may take a while to finish. Especially in my sleepy state.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Good Intentions, but...
Posted by Pieceful Jane at 11:06 AM 2 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008
More tops ready for quilting

Completed buck-a-block top

Posted by Pieceful Jane at 4:53 PM 3 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
Crossing my list
The top is now complete and waiting for cool weather for quilting.

Posted by Pieceful Jane at 10:29 AM 2 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I must confess
This summer has not been very productive for me as far as quilting goes. I hope to get back into the swing of it soon, as I have so many tops needing quilting, as well as a stack of quilts I would like to begin. But, since I have not been quilting, I have had little to blog about either. That makes me sad.

This is the top as it arrived home to me.
When I pulled it back out earlier this year, I knew instantly why I had never finished the quilt. The outer border was "off". It was not symetrical . I felt terrible about re-doing someone else's hard work but I just couldn't keep it as it was. So, the control freak in me won out. I pulled the border off and rearranged the blocks so that they made a border that flowed more to my liking.
But once I got it all stitched back together, something still wasn't right.
Once again I struggled with the concept of re-doing someone else work. After all, isn't that the whole idea of a round robin- to have contributions from other quilters? But, I caved to the inner control freak (don't tell my husband; he thinks he's the control freak of the family ;) ). I ripped out the offending blocks and rearranged them to my liking before putting it all back together again. Sigh. At any rate, here is the after picture of the top.

I hope I haven't offended those lovely ladies who worked on my round robin. I imagine that I probably have. So, I do apologize for that. But, the truth is, I would never finish this quilt if I hadn't made the changes. And that would have been the bigger offense.
Posted by Pieceful Jane at 8:00 AM 4 comments