Wednesday, January 3, 2007

So many projects, such poorly managed time!

I will admit that I have a tendancy to waste time. It is not intentional, it just happens.I start out on a task, and then I get distracted, and before you know it, the original task has been abandoned. Because of this trait, I have quite a few unfinished quilts. They are in many stages of completion. I am trying to finish off some of these projects this year. I will benefit in two ways from this- it will give me more space in my sewing room, and I will have some beautiful completed quilts. Plus, there are so many other things I would like to do, but cannot in good conscience start before I finish a few of these other. So, here is my list of shame for 2007.Hopefully I can get this dwindled down to a very short list by the years end.

1. hole in the barn door quilt(2005)-top-on the quilt frame
2.palm leaf(2005)-top
3.four-patches and friends(2004)-layered and ready for quilting
4.friendship star quilt(2005)-quilt top
5. cancer block quilt#1(2005)-top
7.squishy 2005-blocks
8.Kimono quilt(2006)-blocks quilt-blocks(2006) quilt(2006)
11.nine-patch-blocks and setting blocks(2006)
12.cancer block quilt#2-blocks(2005)
13.hole in barn door #2-blocks(2005) block swap-blocks(2005)
15.autograph wallhanging-blocks(2005)
16.sunbonnet sue-blocks(2005)
17.pinwheel blooms quilt-about half the blocks finished(2006)
18. Jane's mystery quilt-top(2006)
19.letha's lectric fan-fabrics partially cut, no blocks completed yet(2006)
20.grandmother's garden-quilt top(2003)
21.double dutch quilt-fabric washed and pattern gathered(2006) in the barn door wallhanging- blocks completed(2005)
23.friendship swap quilt- blocks(2006)
24.block round robin-blocks(2005)
25. mariners compass quilt-(2006)-fabric washed and pressed, ready to cut out
26. ostrich round robin 2006- first two rounds complete
27.QYW round robin quilt 2006- waiting for it to come home to me, hopefully within the next month