Saturday, June 23, 2007

Knocked a couple UFO's off the list!

Got a couple more ufo's done this week. They are small, but finished-yes! Hopefully I will be able to whittle my list down a bit more before long.

1. hole in the barn door quilt(2005)-finished-yea!

2.palm leaf(2005)--layerwd and ready to quilt

3.four-patches and friends(2004)-layered and ready for quilting

4.friendship star quilt(2005)-quilt top, bindings cut, backing ready


7.squishy 2005-blocks

8.Kimono quilt(2006)-blocks quilt-blocks(2006)1 quilt(2006)

11.nine-patch-blocks and setting blocks(2006)

12.cancer block quilt#2-blocks(2005)

13.hole in barn door #2-blocks(2005)- added sashings to blocks and combined with blocks from #24 to make a top .Now ready to be sandwiched:) block swap-blocks(2005)-combined with friendship swap blocks from # 23 into a top-now ready to be sandwiched :)

15.autograph wallhanging-done!

16.sunbonnet sue-blocks(2005)

17.pinwheel blooms quilt-all blocks finished :)- ready to be stiched into a top(2006)

18. Jane's mystery quilt-top(2006)

19.letha's lectric fan-fabrics partially cut, no blocks completed yet(2006)

20.grandmother's garden-quilt top(2003)thinking about sending to long-armer-it's a king size quilt

21.double dutch quilt-fabric washed and pattern gathered(2006)-this one has been set aside until some of the others are finished-maybe next year :( in the barn door wallhanging- done

23.friendship swap quilt- blocks(2006)-combined with star swap blocks from #14. These are now a top ready to besandwiched.

24.block round robin-blocks(2005)-combined with hole in the barn door blocks #13 to make one quilt top now ready to be sandwiched

25. mariners compass quilt-(2006)-finished!

26. ostrich round robin 2006- first five rounds complete-waiting for final round to be announced

27.QYW round robin quilt 2006- is now home. Deciding what to add to it to make it larger in size.