Friday, August 22, 2008

Crossing my list

After long last, I am finally healed and feeling well enough to get back to my quilting. It feels sooooooo good to be playing with fabric again. The first order of the day should be to bind the nine-patch that I quilted earlier this year. But, am waiting for some cooler weather for that. So, for now I am finishing off some tops that have been sitting on my ufo pile. Specifically, I am adding borders to them.

The first up is Matt's star quilt top. I was not so gently reminded about that earlier this week. Matt's cousin was talking about a quilt that Grandma gave him because he is going off to college. And Matt replied that his mother had started a quilt for him a lonnnnnnnng time ago, but had appearantly forgotten about. Ummm, no, I did not forget, I hit a road block with some bleeding border fabric, and never got around to finding something to replace it with. Until now that is.
The top is now complete and waiting for cool weather for quilting.


Teresa said...

A beautiful quilt! So glad you are getting it finished.

Anonymous said...

Lovely, I would never attempt anything so complex!
