Friday, November 23, 2007

True Confessions

Yesterday I mentioned that I was going to skip the black Friday sales and stay home and sew instead. Well, I feel the need to confess that I did indeed go out to a store this morning.

It started out innocently enough. I needed to go to the bank today. And since the bank was only a couple blocks from the Target store, I figured I would just pop in and try to pick up a couple things. EH, it was after 8:30 AM- all the crazies would be long gone already, right? Well, I definitely underestimated how many shoppers would be at Target so long after the mad opening in the wee hours this morning. Had to park in BFE. But I did manage to snag a set of king sized 600 thread count sheets for $29.00. :) The other item I wanted, a vaaccum cleaner, was gone already. But I did get a rain check, so all is good.

Except that while I was gone, I managed to miss taking my son to get some stitches out. OOPS! I forgot all about that appointment. No harm done though, as the receptionist at the Oral surgeon's office was quite understanding and sympathetic after I explained how I got drawn in by the evil sales. I swear it really is a sickness. Anyhoo, my son now has his stitched removed and I am safely home and snuggly nestled into my sewing room. (Where I hope to remain for the rest of the day.)